home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /******************************************************************************\
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- *
- * Program: Signup.cpp
- *
- * Purpose: Little CGI applet to handle ISP signup forms
- *
- \******************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h> // time f/n's
- #include "windows.h" // Get/WriteProfile()
- #include "cgiutil.h"
- #include "random.h"
- /******************************************************************************\
- *
- * Main code starts here...
- *
- \******************************************************************************/
- /* Function */ int __cdecl main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
- {
- // fwd refs
- int FormtoDB() ;
- void ProcessCurrent() ;
- void ProcessNext() ;
- // Turn buffering off for stdin/stdout
- setvbuf ( stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ) ;
- setvbuf ( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ) ;
- ParseCGI() ;
- if ( !FormtoDB() ) // validate and save form vars
- {
- ProcessCurrent() ; // repump the current doc out
- }
- else
- {
- ProcessNext() ; // pump the next doc out
- }
- return 0 ; // done!
- }
- /******************************************************************************\
- *
- * ISP Customization Section
- *
- * The code in the following section needs to be customized by the ISP for
- * their specific database keywords and database handlers. Please see the
- * IAK documentation for more information on implementing these.
- *
- \******************************************************************************/
- static char Session[25]={0} ; // global session handle string
- static char Session1[25]={0} ; // global session handle string
- // Data name definitions
- static char *DataName[] =
- {
- "fname", "lname", "addr1", "addr2", "city", "state", "zip",
- "areac", "exch", "last4", "homebiz",
- "ccard", "cardnum", "cardexp", "cardname",
- "username", "passw", "passconf",
- } ;
- static char *PairName[2][4] =
- {
- { "homebiz", "home", "business", NULL },
- } ;
- /* Function */ UINT BeginTransaction()
- {
- // get new session handle and increment for next time
- UINT hSession = GetPrivateProfileInt ( "ISS", "NextHandle", 0, "ISS.INI" ) ;
- sprintf ( Session, "%d", random(hSession) ) ; // increment for next time
- WritePrivateProfileString ( "ISS", "NextHandle", Session, "ISS.INI" ) ;
- sprintf ( Session, "%d", hSession ) ; // use current for this session
- // log start time of this session
- time_t now ;
- time ( &now ) ;
- struct tm *nowtime = gmtime ( &now ) ;
- WritePrivateProfileString ( Session, "StartTime", asctime ( nowtime ), "ISS.INI" ) ;
- // set in-progress status
- WritePrivateProfileString ( Session, "Status", "InProgress", "ISS.INI" ) ;
- // set in-progress status
- WritePrivateProfileString ( Session, "Status", "InProgress", "ISS.INI" ) ;
- return ( hSession ) ;
- }
- /* Function */ void AcceptTransaction()
- {
- WritePrivateProfileString ( Session, "Status", "Accepted", "ISS.INI" ) ;
- }
- /* Function */ void CancelTransaction()
- {
- WritePrivateProfileString ( Session, "Status", "Canceled", "ISS.INI" ) ;
- }
- /* Function */ int DBStore ( char *did, char *val )
- {
- WritePrivateProfileString ( Session, did, val, "ISS.INI" ) ;
- return ( 1 ) ; // return 0 if data validation failed
- }
- /* Function */ int DBFetch ( char *did, char *val, int len )
- {
- GetPrivateProfileString ( Session, did, "", val, len, "ISS.INI" ) ;
- return ( 1 ) ;
- }
- /******************************************************************************\
- *
- * Function to fetch the next HTML template for processing
- *
- \******************************************************************************/
- /* Function */ void ProcessNext()
- {
- char e[MAX_PATH] ; // just a little temp array
- int bHTML = 1 ;
- void ProcessDoc ( char *fna, int bHTML ) ; // fwd ref
- // fetch template for next doc
- char t[80] ;
- if ( FetchVar ( "Prev", e ) )
- {
- FetchVar ( "PBPrev", t ) ;
- }
- else if ( FetchVar ( "Next", e ) )
- {
- FetchVar ( "PBNext", t ) ;
- }
- else if ( FetchVar ( "Accept", e ) )
- {
- FetchVar ( "PBAccept", t ) ;
- // strcpy ( t, "acc2.ins" );
- bHTML = 0 ;
- AcceptTransaction() ;
- }
- else if ( FetchVar ( "Cancel", e ) )
- {
- FetchVar ( "PBCancel", t ) ;
- bHTML = 0 ;
- CancelTransaction() ;
- }
- else
- {
- //(dec) 3-May-96
- // strcpy ( t, "Default.htm" ) ;
- FetchVar ( "PBNext", t ) ;
- }
- ProcessDoc ( t, bHTML ) ;
- }
- /******************************************************************************\
- *
- * Function to resend current HTML doc, probably due to a data validation
- * failure.
- *
- \******************************************************************************/
- /* Function */ void ProcessCurrent()
- {
- void ProcessDoc ( char *fna, int bHTML ) ; // fwd ref
- char t[80] ;
- if ( FetchVar ( "ThisDoc", t ) ) // fetch template for current doc again
- {
- ProcessDoc ( t, 1 ) ; // send this doc again
- }
- else // can't get current doc, we must continue to next one
- {
- ProcessNext() ;
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************\
- *
- * Function to process an HTML template and pump it back to client
- *
- \******************************************************************************/
- /* Function */ void ProcessDoc ( char *fna, int bHTML )
- {
- // open template file
- char Template[MAX_PATH] ;
- strcpy ( Template, "template\\" ) ;//this line is all that I changes !!!
- strcat ( Template, fna ) ;
- FILE *fip = fopen ( Template, "r" ) ;
- if ( fip == NULL )
- {
- strcpy ( Template, "scripts\\templates\\" ) ;
- strcat ( Template, fna ) ;
- if ( ( fip = fopen ( Template, "r" ) ) == NULL )
- {
- return ;
- }
- }
- // dispatch based on doc type
- if ( bHTML )
- {
- void DBtoForm ( FILE *fip, FILE *fop ) ; // fwd ref
- // tell the client we're sending html
- printf ( "Content-type: text/html\n\n" ) ;
- // now process the template
- DBtoForm ( fip, stdout ) ;
- fclose ( fip ) ;
- }
- else // it's an INS file
- {
- // This is a demo mode version of the INS file transmission.
- // In this demo, we're just tranmitting a previously built INS file,
- // one for Accept, or another for Cancel.
- // create the session-specific INS file
- char OutputINS[MAX_PATH] ;
- // get new session1 handle and increment for next time
- if (Session1[0]==0){
- UINT hSession1 = GetPrivateProfileInt ( "ISS", "NextHandle1", 0, "ISS.INI" ) ;
- sprintf ( Session1, "%d", hSession1+1 ) ; // increment for next time
- WritePrivateProfileString ( "ISS", "NextHandle1", Session1, "ISS.INI" ) ;
- sprintf ( Session1, "%d", hSession1 ) ; // use current for this session
- };
- // >>>>> Note! <<<<<
- // This path is unique to Microsoft IIS - set this for your HTTP server
- sprintf ( OutputINS, "..\\wwwroot\\insfiles\\%s%s", Session1, fna ) ;
- // >>>>> Note! <<<<<
- FILE *fop = fopen ( OutputINS, "w" ) ;
- if ( fop == NULL )
- {
- return ;
- }
- // This is where the INS template would be interpreted and the
- // ISP-specific stuff inserted. For demo purposes, we're just pumping
- // the INS template file out as-is.
- int num ;
- char buf[1024] ;
- for ( num = fread ( buf, sizeof(char), sizeof(buf), fip ) ;
- num > 0 ;
- num = fread ( buf, sizeof(char), sizeof(buf), fip ) )
- {
- fwrite ( buf, sizeof(char), num, fop ) ;
- }
- fclose ( fip ) ;
- fclose ( fop ) ;
- // Now the Session-specific INS file has been created in the insfiles
- // subdirectory. We are just redirecting the client to fetch this file.
- // Get the base reference for this server's HTML docs
- // If we've specified our own, then use it.
- // Otherwise, parse it from the environment variable.
- char Server[40] ;
- if ( !FetchVar ( "HTTP_REFERER", Server ) )
- {
- char *p = getenv ( "HTTP_REFERER" ) ;
- if ( p == NULL ) return ;
- // The problem here is that all we want is our server's base name,
- // not the referring document, so I'm parsing off (in a pathetically
- // crude manner) the server name.
- char *p1 = p ;
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
- {
- char *p2 = strchr ( p1, '/' ) ;
- p1 = p2 ; ;
- *p1++ ;
- }
- *p1 = '\0' ;
- strcpy ( Server, p ) ;
- }
- // simply redirect the client to the INS file
- printf ( "Status: 301 Redirection\n" ) ;
- printf ( "Location: %s/insfiles/%s%s\n\n", Server, Session1, fna ) ;
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************\
- *
- * Function to fetch the variables from a form and put into database
- *
- \******************************************************************************/
- /* Function */ int FormtoDB()
- {
- // if we didn't receive a session handle, we need to create one
- int ret = FetchVar ( "SessionHandle", Session ) ;
- if ( ret ) ret = *Session != '$' ;
- if ( !ret )
- {
- BeginTransaction() ;
- }
- for ( int i = 0 ; DataName[i] ; i++ )
- {
- char name[80] ;
- if ( FetchVar ( DataName[i], name ) )
- {
- if ( !DBStore ( DataName[i], name ) )
- {
- return ( 0 ) ; // data validation failed
- }
- }
- }
- return ( 1 ) ; // data validation(s) succeeded
- }
- /******************************************************************************\
- *
- * Function to interpret and HTML template
- *
- \******************************************************************************/
- /* Function */ void DBtoForm ( FILE *fip, FILE *fop )
- {
- char buf[4096] ;
- // fwd refs
- int ReplaceChk ( char *buf, char *str[], FILE *fop ) ;
- int ReplaceVal ( char *buf, char *str, FILE *fop ) ;
- // read file into buffer and process a line at a time
- for ( fgets ( buf, 4096, fip ) ;
- ! feof ( fip ) ;
- fgets ( buf, 4096, fip ) )
- {
- // scan for tokens
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < (int)strlen(buf) ; i++ )
- {
- if ( buf[i] == '$' ) // if token found, parse and replace
- {
- int j ;
- // 1) Special case for session handle processing
- if ( memcmp ( &buf[i+1], "SessionHandle", strlen("SessionHandle") ) == 0 )
- {
- fprintf ( fop, "%s", Session ) ;
- i += strlen ( "$SessionHandle" ) - 1 ;
- continue ;
- }
- // 2) Special case for cancel page - need to substitute PrevPage
- // with where we came from...
- if ( memcmp ( &buf[i+1], "PrevPage", strlen("PrevPage") ) == 0 )
- {
- char PrevPage[40] ;
- FetchVar ( "ThisPage", PrevPage ) ;
- fprintf ( fop, "%s", PrevPage ) ;
- i += strlen ( "$PrevPage" ) - 1 ;
- continue ;
- }
- // 3) Special case for data-value pair names
- for ( j = 0 ; PairName[j][0] ; j++ )
- {
- int k = ReplaceChk ( &buf[i+1], &PairName[j][0], fop ) ;
- if ( k != 0 )
- {
- i += k ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- // 4) Finally, check data-name list
- for ( j = 0 ; DataName[j] ; j++ )
- {
- int k = ReplaceVal ( &buf[i+1], DataName[j], fop ) ;
- if ( k != 0 )
- {
- i += k ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- // 5) If no valid token found in list, just copy input to output
- if ( !DataName[j] )
- {
- fputc ( (int)buf[i], fop ) ;
- }
- }
- else // not a token, just copy the character to the output file
- {
- fputc ( (int)buf[i], fop ) ;
- }
- } // for ( strlen(buf )
- } // while ( !feof() )
- }
- /******************************************************************************\
- *
- * Functions to replace token strings in the input stream with data in the
- * output stream.
- *
- \******************************************************************************/
- /*
- * Handles data-value pair name data (radio buttons)
- * Returns 0 (zero) if the string was not found
- * Returns the number of characters to skip if it was found
- */
- /* Function */ int ReplaceChk ( char *buf, char *str[], FILE *fop )
- {
- char val[80] ;
- // if input buffer doesn't match the token in str[0], we're done
- if ( memcmp ( buf, str[0], strlen(str[0]) ) != 0 )
- return ( 0 ) ;
- // verify that the input buffer has an '=' delimiter for the control name
- char *p = &buf[strlen(str[0])] ;
- if ( *p != '=' )
- {
- return ( 0 ) ;
- }
- // group-name=control-name is correct syntax
- // fetch the value of this data item
- DBFetch ( str[0], val, sizeof(val) ) ;
- // scan the control names in str[1...] to find data name match
- int i = 1 ;
- for ( *p++ ; str[i] ; i++ )
- {
- if ( memcmp ( p, str[i], strlen(str[i]) ) == 0 )
- {
- if ( strcmp ( str[i], val ) == 0 )
- {
- fprintf ( fop, "checked" ) ;
- }
- // in either case, we skip over the entire token
- return ( strlen(str[0]) + 1 + strlen(str[i]) + 1 ) ;
- }
- }
- return ( 0 ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Function to replace a token string in the output stream with data value
- * Returns 0 (zero) if the string was not found
- * Returns the number of characters to skip if it was found
- */
- /* Function */ int ReplaceVal ( char *buf, char *str, FILE *fop )
- {
- char val[80] ;
- if ( memcmp ( buf, str, strlen(str) ) != 0 )
- return ( 0 ) ;
- DBFetch ( str, val, sizeof(val) ) ;
- fprintf ( fop, "%s", val ) ;
- return ( strlen(str) ) ;
- }